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Weekly Wisdom – February 5th, 2025

Feb 5, 2025

Could gambling be your next Gig Job or Side Hustle?

There are professional gamblers out there, stats say about 3% of all gamblers are professionals. That’s based on the definition of making most or all your money via gambling efforts. Most of these are sports betters or poker players. There are also professional Baccarat players. To be a professional you need to have a particular perspective… you are not there to gamble, to have the exhilaration of betting big, all that. This is a business, you study, you plan, you have a budget, you control your risks to have the rewards. You also need to be able to use resources and tools to help you decide what to bet on and how much to risk.

One of the latest resources available is Oliver the AI ( – Oliver is a locked down AI (it is not connected to the internet, so can’t be corrupted) and for Baccarat, as an example, it has been provided all of the systems, techniques, theories, and strategies we have found that gamblers (many are professionals) have used to play Baccarat successfully. Many players have ideas and are into various ‘pattern recognition’ concepts. So… what if you had a partner right there that is super chill and super smart when it comes to everybody’s strategies and ideas and can combine them all in ways that a human couldn’t and give winning results over tons of games of well over 50%-win rate? That would be pretty cool, right? We’ve also adapted versions of Oliver to do something similar with sports betting, started with NFL, then football/soccer, now NBA. Oliver is the first AI designed specifically for sports betting analysis.

As an example, with NFL this season, Oliver’s weekly results were amazing. What do these numbers have in common? 87.5, 62.5, 75, 85.7, 78.5, 73.3, 68.7, 66.7, 78.5, 71.4, 69.2, 76.9, 56.2, 68.7, 62.5, 62.5… well, two things. First, they are all more than 50, and they are the weekly WIN PERCENTAGES of games that Oliver picked – so if you just bet on his picks these 15 weeks, you would not have lost… and if you want to know, that is an average of 72%-win rate over almost 4 months!!! As the first AI sports betting handicapper, that sets a standard well above most human handicappers!  Plus, Oliver gives his picks 2 or more days before the game!

Proof? We have subscribers using Oliver to help them with the Baccarat play, and others using Oliver’s picks for NFL and soccer, and our numbers above are confirmed by our subscribers. One of our subscribers was one of our original beta test team and has used Oliver the AI’s predictions in Baccarat (and used the tool for Roulette too), and for NFL, Soccer, and NBA – here’s his results page, and we appreciate how he is clear in showing his losing games… (not a member of BetBuddy AI).

Closing Thoughts

So, when you are considering your next Gig job or side-Hustle – instead of sitting in your car waiting to pick up riders or deliver food, think about this other possibility!

Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips in our next edition of Weekly Wisdom.

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